Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Suggestion On Building A Bigger Following Base on Google Plus

I was recently asked by +Pat Costello a fellow Google Pluser, if I had any suggestions on how to build a bigger following base on Google Plus and his question inspired this post.

When it comes to suggestions on building a bigger following base on Google Plus from my over a year experience, as a active Google plus user I would highly recommend the following! 

  •  I would highly suggest circling individuals who's post you find interesting. 
  • I would also highly suggest genuinely interacting on others post
  • I would also recommend sharing other G+'ers post. (Don't forget when sharing a post to mention who you're originally sharing it from, if possibly ;.) 
  • As well as posting and sharing interest of your own on your own stream. 

Sharing  post that you find  interesting allows others, depending on which circle you decide to share it with the opportunity to interact and engage in the post with a host of others.  

In conclusion, don't hesitate to add shared circles and join communities, there's a lot of awesomeness going on within those two features with you interest in mind! 

I know it sounds like much but it simple...Lol

Just Post, Engage, Share, Interact and Have Fun!