Inspired by the desire to share, how to recycle Holiday gift bags
Alright, so it's well after the Holiday and if you're like me and my family, you have a lot of Holiday gift bags left over from Christmas that's just hanging around waiting to be thrown away, right!?
Before it's to late! To late for what you might ask... So, I'll continue
Those same gift bags that are waiting to be thrown away may and can actually come in handy around the Christmas holidays next year. So, I encourage you to save them and store them away for the next holiday season when they can be useful again :.)
Recycle Them
For instance, if you're co-worker give's you a gift in a beautiful holiday gift bag this year at work, you can save that same gift bag and use it next year to put a friends or family gift inside next year!
Note: I wouldn't advice you to give it to another co-worker at work. Exchange it between friends and family not colleagues the whole point is to recycle, but recycle tastefully ;.p
Another useful tip to take into consideration before throwing away those left over holiday bag's...
Save them and use them as Christmas decoration next year, by filling them with stuffing and implementing them into you're Christmas decor next year!

And Lastly a Holiday Christmas decor idea for next year to use with the Christmas bags from this year
Keep in mind that those beautiful holiday gift bags that you received you're gifts in this year, can be incorporated into you're holiday Christmas decor next year.
As shown below in a pin used from Pinterest, left over gift bags can be used not only as a bag to give gifts in but, they can also be used and incorporated next year as Holiday Christmas wall decor.

How crafty is that for recycling Christmas Gift Bags! I hope this post have been useful when it comes to storing,saving, and recycling you're holiday gift bags, because as I've shared with you, they can come to be quite handy around the holiday season next year ;.p
Until next time!
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