Monday, July 29, 2013

Useful Recycling Tip!

This Post Inspired by Recycling!  

I enjoy cooking but sometime's after dinner I have food and desert left over. I use to couldn't stand having food left over after dinner, because I would run out of containers to store my food and I'm the type of person who likes to store everything left-over in separate food containers, which caused me at times to run out of food storage holders....Lol

  So, I started thinking of ways to improvise, when it came to buying and saving food containers, for those time's when I needed to put away left-overs. Which lead me to recycling, my already used empty plastic containers, I would usually throw away. I found that not only does re-using my empty plastic containers help me by saving some money, it also allows me to help the environment as well! Allowing me to collect and save as many food storage containers as I like! With out having to run to the store buying, more and more.

 Plastic is know as being a hard component to break down, so by washing out empty containers and reusing them, you can help the environment, save yourself some money, and you'll be able to save and collect as many plastic storage containers as you'd like!

 So, next time you have plastic containers left over that are empty and ready for the trash! Think again, don't forget to wash out the empty container and reuse it! By doing that you'll be helping the earth, saving money and if you ever need a extra food storage container, you won't even need to make a run to the store, you'll already have a plastic containers you can use, waiting to to be recycled!

I hope this post was informative as well as useful!

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