Friday, August 2, 2013

My Google Plus Story!

My entering into the Cafe Inspired by my Google Plus Story

 I remember a year ago I wanted to get back into the social networking scene. So, I went back to Myspace, just to find it had changed since the last time I held my Myspace account, which lead me on a continuing search. Searching for a social site that would allow me to post and share videos I liked with others, while engaging with others at the same time....


  As I was searching threw the net, I stumbled across GooglePlus. I had no idea what Google Plus was at all, all I knew was that it was a social site, that allowed me to share post with others, while they where able to immediately engage, comment and contributing their +1 on my post. Sharing my post, or commenting on my post I was enjoying myself and having fun!


 I knew nothing about circles and at the time there was no such things as communities, only pages that you where able to set up. I remember the first person who really started helping me get the hang of Google Plus and helping learn my way threw the system was +A.C. Marsh!

  +A.C. Marsh was one of the first people who circled me, he was very helpful welcoming me to  Google plus being kind and courteous the whole time, which I appreciated. Including me in his post conversations, engaging in my post and so fourth. Soon others from his circle, circled me and it all kinda started from there. I never took the time until now to say "Thank you +A.C. Marsh !" Thank you so very much , you are one of many, who made and continue to make my G+ experience very pleasant as well as enjoyable.

  Secondly, I'd like to acknowledge +Hashim Warren! You never know what you might learn or what you could possibly learn from the people you circle. I actually recently started blogging, which I found joy in doing! I knew nothing about blogging until I came across a post in my stream that +Hashim Warren had shared on "the benefits" of blogging.

 After reading that article I figured I should give blogging a try, being I spend a lot of my time online anyways. Circling +Hashim Warren  I never knew that I read a article that would change my whole social network experience for the best, by just circling and reading a article posted by someone I circled, which just happened to be in my case Mr. +Hashim Warren, so "Thank you" Mr. Warren!

 Lastly, I could never  have imaged how much fun I would have joining G+, I couldn't had even imagine how many special people I would meet +Julie M , +Leslie Wells , +Dolly Rodriguez+Mary Snow+Remy Blue+Pris G   along with a host of others... I couldn't have even imagined how rewarding it could be, or would be joining a social networking site, but not just any social site G+!  Google plus has allowed me to make more than just the most out of a social networking site while building so memorable moments as well as bonds with others. Thank you Google Plus and that's my Google Plus Story!


  1. Glad to know you got inspired! I wish I could remember the name of the person who inspired me to start blogging.

    Do you remember the article I shared?

    1. Greetings, Hashim Warren

      I can't remember the title of the article, but I do remember the post mentioned a few beneficial reasons of starting a blog... I wish I could remember but I thank you for posting it :.)

      I have found great joy in blogging, thanks to a post you shared
