Sunday, December 29, 2013
Posters, Frames & Art
If you are a Art's Lover like myself Buy Posters at they are a reputable site for selling quality art work, posters & frames!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Left Over Christmas Gift Bags!
Inspired by the desire to share, how to recycle Holiday gift bags
Alright, so it's well after the Holiday and if you're like me and my family, you have a lot of Holiday gift bags left over from Christmas that's just hanging around waiting to be thrown away, right!?
Before it's to late! To late for what you might ask... So, I'll continue
Those same gift bags that are waiting to be thrown away may and can actually come in handy around the Christmas holidays next year. So, I encourage you to save them and store them away for the next holiday season when they can be useful again :.)
Recycle Them
For instance, if you're co-worker give's you a gift in a beautiful holiday gift bag this year at work, you can save that same gift bag and use it next year to put a friends or family gift inside next year!
Note: I wouldn't advice you to give it to another co-worker at work. Exchange it between friends and family not colleagues the whole point is to recycle, but recycle tastefully ;.p
Another useful tip to take into consideration before throwing away those left over holiday bag's...
Save them and use them as Christmas decoration next year, by filling them with stuffing and implementing them into you're Christmas decor next year!

And Lastly a Holiday Christmas decor idea for next year to use with the Christmas bags from this year
Keep in mind that those beautiful holiday gift bags that you received you're gifts in this year, can be incorporated into you're holiday Christmas decor next year.
As shown below in a pin used from Pinterest, left over gift bags can be used not only as a bag to give gifts in but, they can also be used and incorporated next year as Holiday Christmas wall decor.

How crafty is that for recycling Christmas Gift Bags! I hope this post have been useful when it comes to storing,saving, and recycling you're holiday gift bags, because as I've shared with you, they can come to be quite handy around the holiday season next year ;.p
Until next time!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bruno Mars! Gorilla
Inspired by the ♥ of Music,Socializing, Blogging & Inspiring!!! I've entered into the Cafe
I know it's been a minute, still all in all I hope everyone's well!
Here in my Blog Spot Cafe is where you'll be able to Catch up with me and my latest post I share when it comes to Tips, Music, Blogging, Inspiring Post, Reviews and any thing else that fall's under my Goodie category in my opinion while on G+....
But no worries I'll still be sharing and commenting on others post as well that I follow in my Circles :.)
Friendly reminder don't forget you can drop in at any time to come feed the fish located at the bottom of the page as you listen to this most current track I've been vibing to since the last time I departed form you all....
Bruno Mars Gorilla!
With that being said I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
The Summer is almost over, school is back in, Fall is soon to come, let's let the season's begin ;.p
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
My "Big" Hair Care, Tip Share!
Inspired By My Hair, I've Entered Into The Cafe!
There are four products that I use on my hair. I like how they moisturize my hair without weighing it down, or leaving it feeling all greasy and oily. I'm really in love with the Palmer's grow therapy grease, it keeps my scalp moist, helping it stay hydrated, leaving my hair with a lovely soft scent. Honestly to me, all the four product's that I'm going to mention has a nice fragrance and work really well to improve, along with restore health to damaged hair, well at least they have for my hair.
After, I wash my hair with the Almond+ Shea butter shampoo. I use Suave's Almond + Shea butter conditioner, which leaves my hair feeling soft. I also like this certain conditioner, because after I wash it out my hair, it not only hydrate's my scalp, but it leave's my hair feeling soft, along with leaving my hair smelling like Almond and Shea butter, too!
Alright, so here's one of my biggest hair secret's I'm sharing! Don't sleep on it! It's the next best thing since slice bread! It's my method I use to grease my scalp, without having to spend additional time, sectioning and greasing my scalp....
I've found it to be beneficial, mixing both the conditioner and grease together. I mix a generous amount of the Palmer's gro therapy grease into Suave's Almond + Shea butter conditioner,while using my finger tips to massage the grease into my scalp. It actually greases my scalp without leaving my hair greasy, after washing out the conditioner. Mixing them together, saves me time from having to grease my scalp section by section.
The last product that I use and recommend is ORS olive oil pudding. It's a gel in the form of pudding! I use it after washing and conditioning my hair. While my hair is still wet, I rub a generous amount of the pudding into my hair, right before blow drying my hair. It's light weight, leaves a soft pleasant fragrance in my hair, giving my hair a shine laying my hair down, giving it a firm hold. I'd say it's a great product to use for styling braids, ponytails, and holding down edges.
Friday, August 2, 2013
My Google Plus Story!
My entering into the Cafe Inspired by my Google Plus Story
I remember a year ago I wanted to get back into the social networking scene. So, I went back to Myspace, just to find it had changed since the last time I held my Myspace account, which lead me on a continuing search. Searching for a social site that would allow me to post and share videos I liked with others, while engaging with others at the same time....
As I was searching threw the net, I stumbled across GooglePlus. I had no idea what Google Plus was at all, all I knew was that it was a social site, that allowed me to share post with others, while they where able to immediately engage, comment and contributing their +1 on my post. Sharing my post, or commenting on my post I was enjoying myself and having fun!
I knew nothing about circles and at the time there was no such things as communities, only pages that you where able to set up. I remember the first person who really started helping me get the hang of Google Plus and helping learn my way threw the system was +A.C. Marsh!
+A.C. Marsh was one of the first people who circled me, he was very helpful welcoming me to Google plus being kind and courteous the whole time, which I appreciated. Including me in his post conversations, engaging in my post and so fourth. Soon others from his circle, circled me and it all kinda started from there. I never took the time until now to say "Thank you +A.C. Marsh !" Thank you so very much , you are one of many, who made and continue to make my G+ experience very pleasant as well as enjoyable.
Secondly, I'd like to acknowledge +Hashim Warren! You never know what you might learn or what you could possibly learn from the people you circle. I actually recently started blogging, which I found joy in doing! I knew nothing about blogging until I came across a post in my stream that +Hashim Warren had shared on "the benefits" of blogging.
After reading that article I figured I should give blogging a try, being I spend a lot of my time online anyways. Circling +Hashim Warren I never knew that I read a article that would change my whole social network experience for the best, by just circling and reading a article posted by someone I circled, which just happened to be in my case Mr. +Hashim Warren, so "Thank you" Mr. Warren!
Lastly, I could never have imaged how much fun I would have joining G+, I couldn't had even imagine how many special people I would meet +Julie M , +Leslie Wells , +Dolly Rodriguez, +Mary Snow, +Remy Blue, +Pris G along with a host of others... I couldn't have even imagined how rewarding it could be, or would be joining a social networking site, but not just any social site G+! Google plus has allowed me to make more than just the most out of a social networking site while building so memorable moments as well as bonds with others. Thank you Google Plus and that's my Google Plus Story!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Useful Recycling Tip!
This Post Inspired by Recycling!
I enjoy cooking but sometime's after dinner I have food and desert left over. I use to couldn't stand having food left over after dinner, because I would run out of containers to store my food and I'm the type of person who likes to store everything left-over in separate food containers, which caused me at times to run out of food storage holders....Lol
So, I started thinking of ways to improvise, when it came to buying and saving food containers, for those time's when I needed to put away left-overs. Which lead me to recycling, my already used empty plastic containers, I would usually throw away. I found that not only does re-using my empty plastic containers help me by saving some money, it also allows me to help the environment as well! Allowing me to collect and save as many food storage containers as I like! With out having to run to the store buying, more and more.
Plastic is know as being a hard component to break down, so by washing out empty containers and reusing them, you can help the environment, save yourself some money, and you'll be able to save and collect as many plastic storage containers as you'd like!
So, next time you have plastic containers left over that are empty and ready for the trash! Think again, don't forget to wash out the empty container and reuse it! By doing that you'll be helping the earth, saving money and if you ever need a extra food storage container, you won't even need to make a run to the store, you'll already have a plastic containers you can use, waiting to to be recycled!
I hope this post was informative as well as useful!
Friday, June 28, 2013
Free On-Line Activities For Kids
Inspired by My Kid's!
It's that time of year again! Summer and I know from experience as a Mother that during their Summer Vacation kids are wanting to, if not already spending a lot of their time playing on-line games. Therefore with that being said I know just how difficult it can be to find on-line sites to entertain as well as educate you're kids for free! Believe me I searched...
Therefore, I've dropped into the Cafe this Evening with both Parents and Kids in mind. Leaving a few suggested sites that my kids find interesting and fun, and maybe your kids will as well. These sites I've listed are Fun and Free. Moreover, most of the sites listed are educational and you're kids can use these links during their 104 day Summer Vacation and well after!
Suggested Sites
If you know any other sites that are Fun, Educational, and Free for kids that I didn't mention, please comment and share!
Thanks In Advance!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Suggestion On Building A Bigger Following Base on Google Plus
I was recently asked by +Pat Costello a fellow Google Pluser, if I had any suggestions on how to build a bigger following base on Google Plus and his question inspired this post.
When it comes to suggestions on building a bigger following base on Google Plus from my over a year experience, as a active Google plus user I would highly recommend the following!
Sharing post that you find interesting allows others, depending on which circle you decide to share it with the opportunity to interact and engage in the post with a host of others.
In conclusion, don't hesitate to add shared circles and join communities, there's a lot of awesomeness going on within those two features with you interest in mind!
I know it sounds like much but it simple...Lol
Just Post, Engage, Share, Interact and Have Fun!
When it comes to suggestions on building a bigger following base on Google Plus from my over a year experience, as a active Google plus user I would highly recommend the following!
- I would highly suggest circling individuals who's post you find interesting.
- I would also highly suggest genuinely interacting on others post
- I would also recommend sharing other G+'ers post. (Don't forget when sharing a post to mention who you're originally sharing it from, if possibly ;.)
- As well as posting and sharing interest of your own on your own stream.
Sharing post that you find interesting allows others, depending on which circle you decide to share it with the opportunity to interact and engage in the post with a host of others.
In conclusion, don't hesitate to add shared circles and join communities, there's a lot of awesomeness going on within those two features with you interest in mind!
I know it sounds like much but it simple...Lol
Just Post, Engage, Share, Interact and Have Fun!
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